Onchi (音痴 - A Bad Signer)

Nov 15, 2018 14:32

Recently, I learned that you can enjoy karaoke with Nintendo Switch.

Also, the other day, I bought a microphone and an unlimited pass, then enjoyed karaoke at my home.

Unfortunately, I noticed something.

Probably I am a person called 'onchi' (音痴).

'On/oto' (音) means "sound," and 'chi' (痴) means that someone does not have an ability to distinguish something or is a little dumb.

That is to say, 'onchi' means that someone does not have the ability to distinguish sounds, and it is often used to describe a person who is a bad singer.

最近、Switch でカラオケができることを知りました。




「音」は "sound," 「痴」は何かを判別する能力がはたらかないことや、頭の働きが鈍いことを意味します。

No. 1 Amop567's correction
  • Onchi (音痴 - A Bad Signer)
  • Onchi (音痴 - Tone Deaf)
     "A bad singer" is also ok, but this is more accurate
  • Recently, I learned that you can enjoy karaoke with Nintendo Switch.
  • Recently, I learned that you can enjoy (do/sing) karaoke with (on) Nintendo Switch.
     alternatives. Your sentence is fine too.
  • Also, the other day, I bought a microphone and an unlimited pass, then enjoyed karaoke at my home.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Unfortunately, I noticed something.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Probably I am a person called 'onchi' (音痴).
  • I think I am probably what we call an 'onchi' (音痴).
     my suggestion. more natural
  • 'On/oto' (音) means "sound," and 'chi' (痴) means that someone does not have an ability to distinguish something or is a little dumb.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • That is to say, 'onchi' means that someone does not have the ability to distinguish sounds, and it is often used to describe a person who is a bad singer.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
I might not be an 音痴 when it comes to music, but definitely am when it comes to directions haha
Thank you so much for the correction!
Actually, I am bad with directions too, haha.
No. 2 Greg's correction
  • Probably I am a person called 'onchi' (音痴).
  • I may be what we call 'onchi' (音痴).
Thank you so much for the correction! :)